Last Updated on March 6, 2025 by Ishilta

Is all healing the same?

When we first explore energy healing, it’s easy to assume that healing is one-dimensional. We may believe that balancing our energy is a cure-all. But when that doesn’t happen, we start to wonder—was the healing ineffective, or did we do something wrong?

The truth is, you may not be doing anything wrong. You might just not be focusing on the appropriate level of healing.

Just as we are multi-dimensional beings, healing can unfold on multiple levels, too. Imagine yourself encased in a bubble with many layers. When you engage in healing work, you’re not necessarily working on the entire bubble—just one of its layers.

This understanding has been a game-changer in my healing journey and personal practice. If you’re seeing limited results in your healing work, keep reading—this could be exactly what you need.

So, what are the four levels of healing?


1. The Core Level

The core level involves the memories and experiences that shape who we are.

Just as life begins during gestation, the core level encompasses our journey from womb to tomb. It means that whatever our mother experienced during pregnancy left imprints on us. Once we were born, we began to experience the world more directly, and it continued to imprint on us. These imprints can affect us positively or negatively, depending on the nature of the experiences.

Most healing interventions work on this level. We don’t need to dig too deep because we are dealing with more recent traumas and concerns.

At this level, we may engage in practices that heal womb imprints, nurture our inner child, and release limiting beliefs. It is also where we address imbalances caused by poor diet, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle choices.


2. The Genetic Level

When we can’t find resolution at the core level, we move deeper into the genetic level.

The genetic level encompasses ancestral memories passed down to us through our genes. Thanks to the science of epigenetics, we now understand that our genes don’t just carry physical traits—they also store emotional imprints, survival patterns, and even unresolved traumas from our ancestors, shaping how we feel, behave, and approach life.

It is the domain of ancestral healing. At this level, we expand our healing work to include the traumas and limiting beliefs of those who came before us. When we heal on this level, issues at the core level are much easier to resolve.


3. The History Level

Sometimes, imbalances stem from a different time and place. When this happens, we expand our work to include the history level.

This level includes past lives and humanity’s shared history. It also relates to cultural identity—how traditions, history, and society shape who we are today. While our ancestors may have made poor choices that left negative consequences in our lives, it’s important to remember that they acted based on the prevailing norms of their time.

At this level, we may engage in cultural repair, past life regression, and healing the Luminous Energy Field (LEF)—the energetic field surrounding the body that holds the archive of all past, present, and future experiences.


4. The Soul Level

Before taking on a physical form, we were once pure energy—a soul. As spiritual beings, we naturally seek to learn and evolve. But to do that, we must enter the world of duality. So, we chose to inhabit a physical body and participate in the school called Life.

From the soul’s perspective, all life situations are learning opportunities. It doesn’t matter whether we are born into wealth or poverty—there is always something to gain. The challenge comes when we arrive on Earth and realize the path we have chosen is much harder than it seemed.

The soul level involves the motivations and choices we make as spiritual beings—decisions we might not make as humans in a physical body. It also includes our experiences as a soul across many lifetimes of learning, evolving, and seeking self-mastery.

At this level, we engage in practices that reconnect us with our divine nature and remind us of our true purpose.


Now that you know the four levels of healing, which one are you working on? Which one do you need to add to your healing approach?

The Four Levels of Healing
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