Spirit has led you to this webpage for a reason. Whether you are here out of curiosity or looking for comfort, this encounter is not a coincidence. Trust in the significance of this moment, as it is through the guidance of the spirit that you have arrived here.




Munay is a Quechua word that means universal love.
Ki is a Japanese word for energy.
Munay-Ki means the energy of universal love.


The ancient prophecies of the Americas foretell a time when the world will turn, harmony will be restored, and Munay—love and compassion—will become the guiding principle. Amidst these cataclysmic changes, a new kind of human will emerge: the Homo luminous.

These are the times spoken of in the prophecy, and the rites of the Munay-Ki carry the codes for the new human, guiding us to fully step into this new era and embody our true purpose.

The rites of the Munay-Ki are a series of nine empowerment rites (the Rite of the Womb not included) based on the initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. At their core, they are the universal rites of passage for humanity.


The Munay-Ki helps us walk a Path of Beauty, bringing us back home to ourselves.
– Sharon Murphy

These rites are energetic transmissions and attunements that help heal past wounds, including karmic patterns, genetic imprints, and inherited limiting beliefs. They upgrade your Luminous Energy Field and re-inform the DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

Once you receive and nurture these rites, your chakras will glow with their original radiance and you will acquire what is known as the rainbow body. The aging process will slow down, and healing will accelerate. You will experience a boost in your creativity, intuition, and confidence. Your ability to manifest will expand, empowering you to create a more authentic life.







Rite 1: The Healer Rite

This initiation awakens your inner healer and activates the healing power in your hands so that everything and everyone you touch is blessed. It also connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist in your personal transformation. If you are already on the healing path, this initiation will deepen and amplify your healing abilities.


Rite 2: The Bands of Power

The Bands of Power are five energetic belts woven around the body, each representing an element—earth, water, fire, air, and spirit—to protect you from toxic energies. These bands strengthen your connection with nature and allow you to transmute toxic energies into nourishing ones.





Rite 3: The Harmony Rite

The seeds of the seven archetypes—Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Eagle/Condor, Huascar, Quatzecoatl, and Pachacuti—are planted in each of your chakras. This process resets your instincts so you can maintain physical and emotional integrity. It helps you come into harmony with the different aspects of yourself and the organizing principles of life.



Rite 4: The Seer Rite

Threads of light are woven, linking your third eye to your visual cortex to form a radiant crown and connecting your heart to your visual cortex to create a luminous necklace. This initiation awakens your spiritual sight, allowing you to perceive the invisible world of energy and see life through the eyes of love and compassion. You will see beyond illusions and even recognize truths you have hidden from yourself.





Rite 5: The Daykeeper Rite

This rite connects you to a lineage of medicine people known as pampamesayok, who bring health and harmony to a community by activating and feeding their altars. This rite heals your relationship with the feminine and gives you the key to healing your feminine lineage. Through this rite, you become the child of Mother Earth, and She becomes your archetypal mother who will never leave you.


Rite 6: The Wisdomkeeper Rite

This rite connects you to the energy of sacred mountaintops and to a lineage of healers known as altomesayok, who safeguarded ancient teachings and shared them at the right moment. This rite heals your connection with the masculine and gives you the key to healing your masculine lineage. Through this rite, you become the child of Father Sky, and He becomes your archetypal father who was always there.


Rite 7: The Earthkeeper Rite

This rite connects you to a lineage of masters, known as the kurak akuyek, who hold the truest and broadest vision about the meaning of life on Earth. It also connects you to the energy of the sun and a lineage of archangels who are guardians of the solar system. Through this rite, you can call upon these beings of light to heal and bring balance to any situation. You become a steward of all life—an Earthkeeper.





Rite 8: Rite for the Times to Come

This rite anchors you to the future, helping you navigate the times of great change spoken of in the prophecy. It awakens your understanding of possible futures and alerts you to their dangers and opportunities. After receiving this rite, your DNA begins to evolve from Homo sapiens into Homo luminous—a being of light. The aging process slows down, and your body becomes more resistant to disease. You gain the ability to journey forward in time, into the future, and bring back what is needed in the present.


Rite 9: The Creator Rite

Also known as the Taitanchis, this rite awakens your divine light and allows you to step into Creator mode. You become the storyteller and write your own story, no longer subject to the narratives others have written for you. With this rite comes a great responsibility to hold the world as healed and envision a world you want for our children’s children.



Once you complete all nine rites, you will receive one (1) Pi stone that carries the sacred frequency of the Munay-Ki rites.*

The medicine men and women saw them as portals or gateways—points of access to higher dimensions. A place where we can step outside of time, accessing all times—the past and the future—as an everlasting present. A portal through which we can connect with our future selves, allowing them to inform and guide us in the now.

*Extra shipping fee for non-Philippine addresses


Limited availability – 10 spots only!


In essence, the Rites are about stewardship.

They are not ego awards or recognition of any kind of achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make one uniquely unimportant. Only then, from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service.

– Alberto Villoldo, PhD


✅You must be willing to receive these rites. They cannot be requested on behalf of another person.

✅Your active participation is required. Guided meditations will be provided to help you integrate the energies after receiving the Munay-Ki attunements.

✅This is a long-distance healing session. Remote healing is just as effective as in-person sessions. All communication will take place via email.



✓ Step 1. Fill out the BOOK APPOINTMENT form.
✓ Step 2.
Wait for payment instructions and complete your payment.
✓ Step 3.
Once your payment is received, I will schedule your session via Google Calendar.
✓ Step 4.
On the day of your appointment, you will receive the long-distance attunement.
✓ Step 5.
After the attunement, listen to a pre-recorded guided meditation for integration.


Php 2,499 or approx. USD 42 for EACH DIRECTION
(South, West, North, & East)



Long-Distance Attunement Ceremony
Guided Meditation for Each Rite
Integration Sessions
Pi Stone


Are you ready to begin your Hero’s Journey in the South direction?

Stay Connected!

* indicates required

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